Did you know? Working out 80-90 minutes a week (broken up- 4 days of 20 mins. cardio and weights, or 3 days of 30 mins.) has an outstanding affect on the fat that your body holds around it's organs, not the fat under our layer of skin, but around our hearts, liver, kidneys, pancreas etc. Exercising will not only help to rid your body of those dangerous fats, but also help to ensure they don't return...being that you make it part of your lifestyle. For a full article on this click here: health
* Eating well also contributes a whole lot to our health, and believe it or not what we eat does affect our mood as well, see Good Mood Food.
Truly more than anything, I hope to inspire and encourage all of you to take a hold of your health and take care of those bodies that we have all been so blessed to be given. While none of us know what tomorrow holds, that's why we should not boast about tomorrow, we can still live for today and take care of ourselves. I can almost guarantee you that once you start living more balanced with exercise, eating and rest too, you will be feeling fabulous...and, therefor, looking fabulous....I really believe that it all ties in together!
Happy New Years Lovelies!
Truly more than anything, I hope to inspire and encourage all of you to take a hold of your health and take care of those bodies that we have all been so blessed to be given. While none of us know what tomorrow holds, that's why we should not boast about tomorrow, we can still live for today and take care of ourselves. I can almost guarantee you that once you start living more balanced with exercise, eating and rest too, you will be feeling fabulous...and, therefor, looking fabulous....I really believe that it all ties in together!
Happy New Years Lovelies!