Your 30's are the perfect time to build a simple core wardrobe while also experimenting with trend-driven items. ~InStyle

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brown IT Up

As we are all aware of with fall comes all of these beautiful fall colors. There is something to be said about changing the color scheme up with not only our clothes, but all the shades of our makeup as well....I LOVE it!! Browns are always such a beautiful dark color to go with on the eye. They are a subtle tone of darkness that can create a melancholic, mysterious aura to the eye....matching the mood of the seasoning. I love browns because they can create a toned down bold/smokey look, bring a little neutrality to the eye and they are great accent colors. Here are some colors that work well with many shades of brown and give the eye lids a beautiful POP! Gold, Black, Plum and Teal.

The look from the picture above was created with A deep chocolate brown and a golden shade as well. Application is as follows:

" For this look, a chocolate brown with a slight shimmer was used as a wash all over the eye lid and blended up into the crease of the eye. Black eye shadow was used to smudge along the top and bottom lashes while a soft golden eye shadow was used to highlight the brow bone"
-Be In Style



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