Your 30's are the perfect time to build a simple core wardrobe while also experimenting with trend-driven items. ~InStyle

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Give yourself a break.

Sometimes as a mom it can be hard to find the time, and motivation, to get yourself all "dolled up" when leaving the house with kids to run errands, meet up with friends, or just plain get out of the house. It's OK! We can put pressure on ourselves to feeling like we have to look top notch when stepping out, and sometimes I think we just have to learn that it really is OK to not dress to the 9's every time we leave the house. I posted some pictures of celeb moms who are in the spotlight quite a bit and have seemed to have found that "mommy hood" does not always allow the time for some extra TLC with our hair, make up, and clothes. They still look good,of course, just not as glamed up. Sometimes that is just the reality when you have a screaming little one hanging on your legs while trying to apply your blush! So give yourself a break, and know that time taken from you to get ready, is time well spent with your little ones!

Don't forget...... have those "glam moments" though, they do wonders for your mood, self image, and even your attitude towards all that comes with being a mommy!

Images via:

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